

Brandon Riem is a talented interior designer who brings more than just a unique perspective to your new home or space. Having a new space to fill with eye-catching furniture, floor plans, and the right colors and designs can be tough…


Brandon looks to develop long-lasting relationships with his clients. Your tastes change, so relationships are key!  Getting to know you, your likes and dislikes, and personality allows for input and communication from both parties. This clear and simple collaboration results in the best designed space possible.


Brandon’s design expertise has been passionately crafted over the past 8 years. He graduated from Bellevue College with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design. While there, Brandon was honored with three prestigious awards and recognized for his competence in interior design.


Brandon is simply here to HELP. His foundation of design knowledge is a part of the equation you need to have a well-designed space. He sees each project, person, and space is different and offers solutions for any design questions you have.


If you’re relocating or just need a fresh look and perspective, please get in touch with us by calling 253-304-5449 or emailing us. We love having conversations with new and current clients about what they need to make their spaces beautiful.